So you want to start collecting but you’re not sure how to go about it or what you can collect or it just all seems too hard. Standfast men, it’s actually pretty simple and here’s Gunny’s easy guide to firearms collecting. Read on.
Step 1: Decide what it is you would like to collect. I’d recommend something pre 45 and military to get started. Things like your Lugers, Walthers, Mausers and SMLE, readily available, not too pricey and very easy to justify. It’s very important you are clear what you want to collect. When I started, I listed that I wanted to collect military and sporting arms late 1700's till now so I will talk about post 1945 stuff later.
Step 2: Find your firearm and get serviceability ticket.
Step 3: This is the part when a lot of people come unstuck, WAPOL states that.
You will need to provide supporting documentation that demonstrates the firearm has significant commemorative, historical, thematic or heirloom value.
DON’T PANIC, you don’t have to print reams of technical data, just an A4 page letter of support on why the firearm is worthy of collection. This is where the old military stuff comes into its own, it’s very easy to prove historical or thematic with an old 303 or K98. REMEMBER Google is your friend.
Step 4: Go online to the WA Police Force website and complete your application online. At this point I am duty bound to give you the standard WAPOL warning.
A Collectors Licence allows the holder to possess but not carry or use any firearm named and identified in the licence.
Step 5: Go to your Australia Post Outlet with application, serviceability ticket, support letter and 100 points of ID as well as $334.00, this is your original issue fee and if successful you will be up for $60.00 every 3 years. Remember you can apply for up to 10 firearms on one application and this would soften the blow somewhat. Every additional application after your initial application will cost $192.00.
Step 6: The hardest part is the wait period of 6 to 8 weeks for your application to be processed. Eventually your application will return and off to the gun shop you go (and by gun shop I mean CLAREMONT FIREARMS hint hint nudge nudge), to pick up your latest purchase. Normal storage regulations apply. You can now start building your collection as finance and availability allows and whether its German service sidearms 1912-1945 or SMLE Lee Metford to No5 Jungle Carbine your collection will steadily grow.
Now let’s talk post 1945 stuff, I actively collect modern firearms, pistol and rifle, everything from a 500 S&W Revolver to a 25 ACP Baby Browning, Ruger 10/22 to CZ 416 Rigby and once again a major factor is your letter of support, remember you have to justify why its worthy of collection, they will also ask if you are a Student of Arms, the easiest way to prove this is to be a member of an association like WA Arms & Armour and be well read on the firearm you are applying for.
Yes, this is a simple breakdown of how to get your get collectors licence and if you have any other questions, need help, give us a call or just come into the Superstore in Yangebup.
We believe in helping teach people in the community about the safe use, storage and ownership of firearms. There is a big responsibility to owning them and doing it the right way makes a big difference to everyone.